
Youth in Uganda are the youngest population in the world, with 77% of its population being under 25 years of age. There are 7,310,386 youth from the ages of 15–24 years of age living in Uganda.

Youth unemployment is at record highs and Active Hope is setting some strong targets to lower these rates.

Way Forward For The Youth

We have many sub - projects planned for the youth, however, all these projects fall in a Mega Project we termed as “Communities Together” which intends to bring Youths from all walks of life to team up and bring about change in communities where they reside. In all this we are seeking Value Addition in all communities we are reaching out to.

Mark 9:23 says; Everything is possible to those who believe.

You must be the change you want to see in the worldMahatma Gandi

You may agree with us that the above statements resonate with the society spiritually, physically, mentally and psychologically. The abysmal conditions of the youth today have been given birth to by the ongoing ungodliness in the world today. Industrial Revolution with its advantages never the less has brought more harm than good. Let’s shine some light on that.

Gone are the days when parents had enough time for their children thereby getting a chance to watch over their demeanor but most importantly directing them to Godly roots and discipline. Lately, 90% of parents’ time is dedicated to work; thereby children being left mostly with either relatives or caretakers / housemaids and / or some left to only grow by themselves. There are many repercussions that come as a result of this. Many youths get traumatized due to domestic violence thereby choosing to run away from their caretakers believing streets to be their beam of hope. However, they face more challenges like drug abuse, alcoholism, peer pressure, HIV and many others.  

And with less to say, we can all vividly see the repercussions of the indecorous generation of the youth we have today. However, this is leaving other factors constant as we all know possibly which will be stories for another day.

With faith in God (Mathew 19:26), Active Hope Ministries believes to achieve a roaring success as God has chosen us to be the change we are seeking in this fallen world today. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

By this spirit, we are surely convinced that the juice will be worth the squeeze; Active Hope Ministries, acting as the oasis of hope by empowering the youths with trades and or skills, sensitizing them about the social benefits, moral transformation, strengthening and tightening the cordial relationship of the society members by working together through Communities Together projects like:

  1. Prayer Meetings
  2. Landscaping
  3. Brick Making
  4. Carpentry
  5. Agro based projects like animal husbandry
  6. Computer Skills like Videography, Photography, Audio Production, Web Designing
  7. Conferences with Key People of Influence
  8. Community Sanitization especially in slum areas, turning Death-Trap toilets into better ones

This will lead to an increase in their income to fight poverty, unemployment and dependency levels through the above skills. It should be noted that a reputation and a profile are valuable assets that pay regular dividends thereby instilling in them Godly seeds along the way through; and this can only be done through a process. By doing so, Active Hope Ministries will be preaching the “Gospel with Actions” and “Faith With Works”; thus, leaving the golden Mark which is the true mark of our Lord Jesus Christ.