Single Mothers

Making up 49.58% of the world population, now is the time to act and invest in the advancement of women and girls in all aspects; physically, mentally, psychologically and spiritually as they are the real architects of the society.  As the saying goes; “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman” by Margaret Thatcher.

While more remains to be done; where God guides, He surely provides because He is Jehovah Jireh.

As Active Hope Ministries being God's stewards of the last days, we hold Christ’s manifesto as we set our hearts into such a state that whatever we do has no will of our own in regard to any particular projects other than God’s will and without any doubt, when women change, the nation will change as soon as they are availed with ways of how to stay the course when things get tough or seem bleak.

 As one of our slogans, Faith with Actions refers to a means of walking by faith but not by sight (2 corinthians 5:7); This also gives a reminder to believers in this case the single Mothers "Walk" speaks of how we live our lives, conduct ourselves, behave and use the time and opportunities God has ordained for each one of us.

This is exactly why Active Hope Ministries stands together with single mothers to act as a fuel in conquering their fears, obstacles or challenges that they may face by guiding them and emphasizing prayer as we show them that this is the doorway for God’s intervention with humanity and how the present must be disturbed if they want a better future. Understanding that the most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence in GOD and when they do so, they will plant these seeds into their children giving birth to a new Godly generation. Active Hope plans to stand with women through projects like;

  • Prayer Meetings
  • Laundry Projects
  • Farming / Animal husbandry
  • Seminars with Key People of influence
  • Hand-skilling (Tailoring, Crafts, Hair dressing)
  • Micro finance (Borrowing small amounts of money to boost their small businesses)

And if we are authentic Christians, the mark we leave will be golden – which is the true mark of our Lord JESUS CHRIST; As we spread the “Gospel with Actions”

Mark 9:23 - Everything is possible to those who believe.