The Children

But Jesus called them to him, saying Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God (Luke 18:16).

Daniel 2 in the Bible tells how Daniel related and interpreted a dream of Nebuchadnezzar II king of Babylon. The question begs to be asked, what did the King's dream mean?

Daniel said the King's dream was about a giant statue that was destroyed by a stone cut out of a mountain. The statue represented the kingdoms of the earth. This stone cut out of the mountain represented the Kingdom of God that would fill the earth.

With a clear spiritual reason revelation, God's Kingdom started ruling this world around 1914 and if we agree the world has rapidly changed since that time because the devil realized that he has less time left for him. Did we see sin increase at a high pitch? Absolutely there by fulfilling the scripture in 2 Timothy 3:1 – 9; But mark this; there will be terrible times in the last days; People will be lovers of money, Boastful, Proud, Abusive, Disobedient to their Parents, ungrateful and unholy, without love, Unforgiving as it goes.  

Why are we saying all this? 

We want to know exactly what is the root cause of all the issues that the children face today and after we figure out how to deal with them. We clearly understand that we can't save all the children in the whole world, but we believe that a 1000 mile always starts with one step at a time and Mark 9:23 says, “Everything is possible to those who believe”. Being part of us, Active Hope Ministries stands to believe that by God's grace, He will direct us to teach the children God's ways at a tender age and showing them how to pray. We are aware that this won't be a simple task. But with one step at a time, God will see us through. If the devil shows them how to sin at a tender age, God will also show them how to follow Him and as He says in His Word in Acts 2:17,
In the Last Days," God says, "I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters; Your young men will see visions, your old men dream dreams.

Helping children is good as Jesus said that they belong to his Kingdom. However, active hope targets the youth more, because around that age someone understands exactly the right and the wrong.

Active Hope Ministries also focuses on single mothers so much because if they get rooted in the word of God, they will deliberately guide their children and they will in turn instill God’s seeds in them as they must, as they will know that this is the most precious gift; to look after them as they grow up in this minatory era where bad monumentally looks good and good looks bad.

There is safety in numbers, as the saying goes. If children get guidance from their parents and also hear the same message from Active Hope Ministries, this will make them feel more confident in God's truth as compared to what the world feeds them. And this will instigate a Godly generation thus leaving the golden true mark of our Lord Jesus Christ.