The Elderly

Many of the elderly people have been left hanging by their families and spiritually. The bible tells us as believers that we should “Stand up in the presence of the elderly, and show respect for the aged. Fear your God. I am the LORD" (Leviticus 19:32).

For the many reasons, Active Hope has risen up to the task of reaching out to the elderly souls with the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not only do we reach out with the good news but good deeds towards the elderly too. Remember our slogan is "Gospel with Actions".

Way Forward For the Elderly

“We choose to go to the moon by the end of this decade not because it’s easy but because it’s hard”John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Active Hope Ministries chooses to uplift the Elderly through Jehovah Jireh (the provider) by the end of this decade not because it’s easy but only by God’s GRACE.

Through life lessons we believe that 85% of the Elderly in our society today have had a rough ride meaning that their lives haven’t been of beds of roses. Though hope springs eternal many of these people have totally lost hope. But as we all know that where there is a will there is a way, Active Hope Ministries stewards of the last days decided to be a beam of hope and a beacon of light to shine bright wherever it sees darkness.

If you’re going to be different, you would better be ready for the challenges that come before the glory. A one-time visit to the elderly isn’t enough and we are very aware of that; but as surely as the Lord provides, we hope to construct moderate housings for those who are really in dire situated housings and also do the necessary renovations where need be.

As lately discussed, we do a lot of stuff and they all seems to be in service of a vision we bear. One of Active Hope ministry objective is to venture into farming on a large scale and by doing so, the 10% (tithe) of the farming products are to be supplied to the needy more so to the Elderly as they are the most vulnerable.

Through this Active Hope will bring new Hopes to many of them who had completely lost hope thereby leaving the golden mark which is the true mark of our Lord JESUS CHRIST expanding God’s kingdom GOSPEL WITH ACTIONS and FAITH WITH WORKS.